Sharing an Experience: How I Differentiate Working Memory and Long Term Memory
Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash I know that memory has three types: sensory, working, and long term. When I read about them, I know what they mean, but I have trouble remembering them afterwards. I had trouble remembering the difference between working and long term memory until an experience I had. One day I learned about the Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination . It helps predict for dementia, but it is a very old test. I like how it is short and available. When I looked at the questions on the test, I thought about "Why" (learning strategy used is "elaboration") and then I remembered there are different types of memory so I researched about what they are and how they relate to this exam (here, I connected new learning to prior learning, used interleaving, and I've forgot-and-retrieve...all of which helps consolidate learning). Please note that SMMSE tests cognitive impairment and is not for testing different types of memory. There are ne...